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How to Pose for a Photoshoot?


Posted 07 November 2022. 3:11am

How to Pose for a Photoshoot?

Today I want to break down a few patterns on posing for photo shoots, including weddings. It’s not so much about specific poses as it is about the psychology of posing. I think this is much more important than just memorizing a few favorable body positions. The interesting thing is that the patterns that I […]

Today I want to break down a few patterns on posing for photo shoots, including weddings. It’s not so much about specific poses as it is about the psychology of posing. I think this is much more important than just memorizing a few favorable body positions.

The interesting thing is that the patterns that I will try to break down today are so deep in our heads that they have come to be considered the norm, even by some professional wedding photographers.

Tip #1. Forget about wanting to match your wedding dress

Sometimes it seems to brides that putting on a luxurious dress, you have to pose like an empress. Some kind of affectation appears and the girl has to pretend to be someone all the time. What can I say… Have fun! You’re already an empress. A dress and a hairdo is enough for that. Be yourself, be emotional, don’t put yourself in limits. You can run around barefoot, jump for joy, throw yourself into the arms of your loved ones, eat with your hands and laugh out loud from the heart! All this not only looks great in the photo, but also allows you to convey your character, from which over the years you will be more and more pleasant to admire the photos and remember yourself alive, not a wax figure.

Tip #2. Remember that a wedding photographer works for you, not the other way aroundHow to Pose for a Photoshoot?

This is your day, your events. Don’t try to tailor every action to the photographer. The wedding is the main event of your life, not a lingering photo shoot (hey, photographers, I hope you can hear that). Exceptions: there is a so-called mandatory program – “framed photos” for parents and grandparents. For all other questions, try to decide with the photographer in advance at the time of preparation. He will tell you the right location and think ahead about the possible points of shooting. But when everything has already started, forget about the photographer. You should not constantly pose for him, turn around the favorable side, adjust the plume on the dress, stand in a constraining (but as you think it is beautiful) position and so on. There is no such thing as a photographer. And don’t worry! We are all professionals and know how to quickly change the angle, adjust, step up, step back, twist 360. It’s more important to us that your emotions remain genuine. Just live!

Tip #3: Don’t be self-conscious

Every couple has cute habits, jokes and touchy-feely customs. Feel free to show the gestures you normally use to show affection for each other. Even if the photographer doesn’t tell you to do it, do it! The photographer may not know this about you, but your sincere emotions are sure to please him. Do you love kissing his ear? Run your hand through his hair during a hug? Hug her in some special way? Do whatever you’re used to doing. It’s not just the person who has the personality, but every love has the personality. This is your own personal heartfelt story.

Tip #4. Don’t be frozen in the “right” position

What you think you are and what you really look like are sometimes very different things. Only what is sincere and about you is right. Move, change, and don’t be afraid of blur. First of all, photographers today have great technique with almost instant focus. And secondly, photos “in motion” are often very effective and atmospheric.How to Pose for a Photoshoot?

There’s no point in keeping a smile and a pose until your whole body cramps up. For beginner photographers I also advise working with the model so that she’s constantly moving. Poses in dynamic photos are often more natural. Give the couple a task that is easy for them to do and shoot at that moment.

Do at least micro-movements or simple gestures: brush a strand of hair off their face, shift their body weight from one foot to the other, tilt their head, etc.

Tip #5: Only comfortable clothes!

An unusual item for an article about posing, but no less important than the others.

The “beauty requires sacrifice” template has forced girls to buy uncomfortable shoes or a dress for the sake of looking. This is so actively promoted (by clothing retailers) that we have come to believe this nonsense to be true and even our own personal conclusion.

It isn’t. Clothes can be both comfortable and beautiful. And you deserve exactly that. You can never relax if something is sticking, squeezing, rubbing, popping, and so on in your body. If you are uncomfortable in your shoes, then not only the wedding photo shoot, but the whole wedding will be a waste. The clothes are made for you, not you for them. Remember that!


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